An overview of some of the key dates in our history.
1738 | John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, first visits Salisbury to see his mother. This is the first of over 40 more visits during his life. |
1746 | As a result of John Wesley’s preaching, the first Methodist groups meet at Ditchampton and Greencroft Street. |
1759 | New preaching house is built in St Edmunds Church Street, John Wesley’s signature appears on original deeds. |
1770 | Francis Asbury, the founder of American Methodism, is appointed to the Salisbury Circuit as Superintendent. |
1771 | Francis Asbury attends Methodist Conference in August and responds to Wesley’s appeal for preachers to go to America. |
1791 | John Wesley preaches in Salisbury for the last time. |
1810 | Old Church Street chapel is demolished and a new church built on same site. |
1835 | New Church is enlarged. |
1880 | School hall is built at the rear of the Chapel. |
1932 | Methodist Union formally combines Wesleyan, Primitive and United Methodist churches into one church. |
1984 | Salisbury Methodist Church is formed by the union of Dews Road, Harnham and Church Street congregations. |
1992 | Salisbury Methodist Church is rebuilt following demolition of the rear premises. |