CHYPS (Children and Young People)

CHYPS is for young people

CHildren and Young People on Sunday is part of our morning service

Advent 2024

Sunday 22nd December at 10.30 – Nativity Service (all age) with Fi Waddingham (No CHYPS)

Carol Service 22nd December at 6pm

Tuesday 24thDec – Christingle service 4pm. Midnight Communion 11.15pm (No CHYPS)

Christmas Day 25th Dec –  family service 10 am, no CHYPS

Sunday 29th Dec, no service at SMC

Sunday 5th January 2025, 10.30 Covenant Service, CHYPS meeting.

Unless the service is All Age (usually the third Sunday of the month) or a communion service, the children stay in the morning service for  about 15 minutes, and then leave for their own activities in the hall with our volunteer leaders.

If it’s a communion service, then the children gather in the church but leave at the start of the service, and return in time for communion. (All are welcome to communion, including children).

CHYPS is for children 3 and over, who are happy to be left with our volunteer leaders. If you have younger children, you are welcome to use our children’s area in the Sanctuary with books and quiet toys.

Currently we have a small number of younger children attending regularly, and an active group of older children (secondary school age) who are exploring what faith and church might mean to them. Older children can also attend JAM, sharing lunch and music on the second Sunday of the month: for details contact Fi Waddingham

You might also be interested in Mixed Blessings, a service for children up to age 7 and their families, which happens on the afternoon of the second Sunday of each month. See the Worship page for the next date.