
We hope to provide worship that is worthy of the God we praise, relevant and challenging for the wide variety of people of all ages who are part of our community.

We worship in the sanctuary, and livestream to a wider congregation, at 10:30am each Sunday.

Refreshments are served in the hall afterwards and our Fairtrade shop is open.

Our  Coffee Bar and Fairtrade shop is also open on Wednesday morning.

Our livestreams (see links below) begin at about 10:25am

CHYPS our meeting for children and young people,  takes place every Sunday during the 10:30 service, with the exception of those indicated as All Age Worship. Please see the CHYPS page for more details.

Please note that only Sunday morning services are livestreamed,  other services are not livestreamed unless noted below.

Worship in January

Sunday 26th January

10:30 am. Revd Dr Mark Cheetham; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/EqtaV1c2N-0
4:00 pm. Circuit Service to celebrate our link with Zambia and to commemorate 60 years of Zambian Independence (24th October 2024) and 60 years
of the United Church of Zambia (16thJanuary 2025). Preacher: Revd Dr Teddy Kalongo; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/flFjt9KT7p0

Worship in February

Sunday 2 February

10:30 a.m. Revd Dr Mark Cheetham Holy Communion; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/ZNp851OEQP4?fe

Sunday 9 February

10:30 a.m. Mr Michael King; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/SA5J-csADXg
3:00 p.m. Revd Cecil King and Mrs Fi Waddingham Little Blessings

Sunday 16 February

8:00 a.m. Revd Steve Hawkes HC
10:30 a.m. Mr Bernard Robert All Age worship; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/qCsUWVXYz4Y

Sunday 23 February

10:30 a.m. Revd Dr Mark Cheetham; to join this service by livestream, please follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/bEUU4DYSEDw