If you live in the Salisbury area and want to be a part of our community, then please tell us about yourself
Either fill in our online form below, or use this printable form SMc Data-Collection-Form 2022
Please note that no data is held on this website.
(If you are a church office holder please use the printed version.)
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (‘DPA 18’) there is a duty for Salisbury Methodist Church Council as Managing Trustees to ensure that the personal data we hold about individuals is correct and up to date.
Please complete this Data Collection Form to confirm your correct contact details and to let us know how you would like us to communicate with you (your preferences) within the provisions of the Managing Trustees’ Privacy Notice. (See here).
Please note that if you are a member of another Methodist managing trustee body then you must complete a separate Data Collection Form for them as your communication preferences may be different.