Listening Place Annual Open Meeting 7.00pm

Date: October 2, 2018
Time: 7:11 pm

Revd Canon Professor James Woodward Ph.D

‘Listening to Ourselves?’

Please join us at Salisbury Methodist Church, on Tuesday 2nd October 2018, 7.00 pm for 7.15 pm, for the Listening Place Annual Open Meeting. Our guest speaker will be Revd Canon Professor James Woodward Ph.D
Professor James Woodward is Principal of Sarum College and a Visiting Professor of Theology at the University of Winchester. He is a teacher and writer of pastoral and practical theology. He is passionate about learning, change and growth that might be empowered through our careful engagement with people and the questions that shape human wellbeing.
As an Anglican priest over the past thirty five years his concerns have been shaped by the diversity of contexts within which he has worked including pastoral work with people at various stages of their living and dying; health and social care in acute and primary care settings; organisational development theological education and inter-professional collaboration on ethics.
He has had a particular interest in the nature of age and the place of older people in our society over the last 30 years. Presently he is engaged in some reflective writing on theological reflection and is interested in narratology and its potential for nurture flourishing.
For further information about his work visit: